Easy fruit salad reminds me of my growing up years. Sometimes I just wish that I could go back to being young again and not having so many worries. Maybe we all need to worry less, like kids do. But it seems like kids worry more today than we ever did.

I did have a great time growing up even if we did have to work hard on the farm. It was great because sometimes you could get on the four wheeler and head off to the mountains. Even just to get away for 30 minutes or so.

We did live very close to the mountains or we could even take a ride up into the fields and there wasn’t another soul around. You could take time out to enjoy the beauties of the world and appreciate all that God has given us.



Easy Fruit Salad


What Ingredients Do I Need For Easy Fruit Salad?

Here’s a list of ingredients you’ll need to make this Salad (scroll down for the full recipe):


  • Whipping cream
  • Powdered sugar
  • Vanilla
  • Apples
  • Mandarin oranges
  • Grapes
  • Mini marshmallows
  • Strawberries, (optional)
  • Bananas, (optional)



How Do I Make Easy Fruit Salad?

Here’s the simple steps you’ll follow to make this Salad (scroll down for the full recipe):


  • In a large bowl, place the whipping cream.
  • Mix until it is thickened. (Don’t thicken too much or it will turn into butter.)
  • When it is thickened, stir in the powdered sugar and the vanilla with a large spoon.
  • Then add the apples, mandarin oranges, grapes, strawberries and marshmallows.
  • I did not add strawberries to mine, they were a little green at the store.
  • If you are adding bananas, put them in just before serving.
  • Garnish the top with any fruit you want, to make it look pretty.



Even today I took my granddaughters for a short walk, and you should have seen the geese that were flying over our heads and making a lot of noise. I loved hearing them because I know that Spring is just around the corner.

Today is a sad day for my family. My sweet aunt, passed away. She was only 72 years old, and I just saw her in December after my father-in-law passed away. She had a smile on her face and a spring in her step and I figured that she would live for another 20 years.

Her high blood pressure was causing some problems and they were trying to get things under control for her. It was a shock for all of us. My sister-in-law lives down the road from my aunt’s house and so they knew each other very well.





How Do I Pick the Best Apples For Easy Fruit Salad?


  • Check the apple’s firmness.
  • Pick up the apple and gently press a small area of the fruit’s skin.
  • It should be firm to the touch.
  • Avoid apples that are noticeably soft, discolored, or indent easily after you press the skin.


My aunt will be deeply missed and I know what her family is going through. Those days when you get those phone calls that a loved one has passed away are very difficult. I know that it is part of life, and in my religion, we believe that we will see our loved ones again.

I am grateful for that knowledge that we will see our loved ones again, for it truly makes it a lot easier to go on with life. It is so hard to lose a loved one, and how we take life for granted that they will always be there.

One thing that I forgot to mention, was that I think that this aunt was one of my favorite aunts because people would ask me if I was related to her, because we sure did look alike if we weren’t related. I would say yes that she was my aunt and I was proud!


How Do I Pick the Best Grapes For Easy Fruit Salad?


  • Examine the grape texture.
  • Ripe, healthy grapes should be firm and plump on all sides.
  • Look at the skin on the grapes.
  • The best grapes will have a healthy shade to the skin.
  • Check the stem.
  • The stem of a healthy grape cluster should be green and flexible. 


The only problem is that we simply do not know whose turn it is next. Otherwise we would pick up the phone or we would get in the car and make sure that we gave them a little extra attention. I guess the best thing to do is whoever you see today, smile and and wish them well.

Even if it is someone you know or someone that you do not know. Make someone’s day, and don’t forget to enjoy your life as well. Laugh a little more and be just a little kinder than you were yesterday.

I hope that your day is wonderful and that you remember to hug those that are so important to you, and don’t forget to give them a compliment. That just may be the thing that they need to hear today.




Tips and Tricks For Easy Fruit Salad:


  • We put bananas in easy fruit salad growing up, but I am allergic to them and so I leave them out or I do a bowl with half and another bowl without!
  • You could add any fruit that is fresh. I have done all kinds of berries before and they are good.
  • Growing up we used fruit cocktail, just make sure that you drain the can very well.
  • Make sure that your fruit is cool otherwise it sometimes makes the whipping cream buttery feeling.



More Delicious Fruit Salads For You:


Real Cream Berry Salad

Watergate Salad

Fruit Salad 24-Hour

Easy Pina Colada Salad

Strawberry Pecan Pretzel  Salad

Grape Dessert

Red White and Blue Ambrosia

Acini De Pepe Salad AKA Frog Eye Salad

Cool Whip Salad


Yield: 12 people

Easy Fruit Salad

Easy Fruit Salad

Easy fruit salad comes together in a matter of minutes. This is a nice salad for any time of year and you can add any fresh fruit you like.

Prep Time 20 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes


  • 1 pint whipping cream
  • 1/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1-2 apples, chopped into bite size pieces
  • 2 cans mandarin oranges
  • 1 1/2 cups grapes, halved
  • 1/2 cup mini marshmallows
  • 1 cup strawberries, sliced (optional)
  • 1-2 bananas, sliced, just before serving (optional)


  1. In a large bowl, place the whipping cream.
  2. Mix until it is thickened. (Don't thicken too much or it will turn into butter.)
  3. When it is thickened, stir in the powdered sugar and the vanilla with a large spoon.
  4. Then add the apples, mandarin oranges, grapes, strawberries and marshmallows.
  5. I did not add strawberries to mine, they were a little green at the store.
  6. If you are adding bananas, put them in just before serving.
  7. Garnish the top with any fruit you want, to make it look pretty.

Nutrition Information



Serving Size


Amount Per Serving Calories 206Total Fat 15gSaturated Fat 9gTrans Fat 0gUnsaturated Fat 4gCholesterol 45mgSodium 14mgCarbohydrates 19gFiber 2gSugar 14gProtein 2g

This data was provided and calculated by Nutritionix

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