Easy Family Casserole

Easy Family Casserole

My grandson who doesn’t eat a lot, asked for fourths!  He really likes this easy family casserole.  It is so good and creamy.  I had to laugh, he said “make sure you get some of the cheese on top”.  It seems like if you have...
Grasshopper Cake

Grasshopper Cake

Grasshopper Cake is a favorite of mint lovers. That would be my third child and myself. My second child tells me that it tastes like toothpaste. I wish my toothpaste was that good. I love mint ice cream too. How about you, do you love mint or what is your favorite...
Home Made Oreos

Home Made Oreos

Home Made Oreos never stay around our home. They are one of the favorites of everybody around here. Home Made Oreos are the softest and chewiest cookie ever, (if you don”t over bake them). I promise you that if you make these cookies there will be a lot of...
Chicken Crescents

Chicken Crescents

Chicken crescents are buttery and flaky and add just the right touch to any meal when they are rolled in bread crumbs and pecans and baked to perfection. In past years our family had chicken cordon bleu for Christmas Eve, but then about six years ago, I came across...
Easy French Dip Submarine Sandwiches

Easy French Dip Submarine Sandwiches

I was in the mood for something nice and warm today, so I decided to make these quick and easy French Dip Submarine Sandwiches. This Spring has been so strange. One day it is nice and warm, and the next it is raining or hailing. The temperature was 31 degrees this...

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