Copy Cat Kneader Easter Cupcakes

Copy Cat Kneader Easter Cupcakes

Copy Cat Kneader Easter Cupcakes are so to die for! They melt in your mouth, and the frosting on top is scrumptious!  Top them off with Cadbury eggs and you will be the bell of the ball. You could use a cake mix if you are in a hurry and do not want to put the...
Surprise Strawberry Yogurt Cake

Surprise Strawberry Yogurt Cake

Surprise Strawberry Yogurt Cake! Strawberry whipped topping is the perfect way to start Spring. And guess what, that is tomorrow! Yahoo, I can’t wait!! Even though I know that we are still suppose to get more snow, I know that Spring will be here soon. The nice...
Sweetened Condensed Milk

Sweetened Condensed Milk

Sweetened condensed milk is so easy to make yourself, and for a fraction of the cost. You will never want to buy a can again after making this easy version. The other day I needed some sweetened condensed milk for a recipe and I didn’t have any on hand, so I...
Holly Berry Wassail

Holly Berry Wassail

Holly berry wassail is a nice warm drink for this cold winter weather that we are having. This morning it was a big 28 degrees. I knew that this would be the perfect drink, as we are going to Salt Lake City tonight to see the lights at Temple Square. This wassail is...
Insta Pot Apple Crisp

Insta Pot Apple Crisp

This Insta Pot Apple Crisp just might become your new go to dessert!  It is ready in less than 30 minutes.  How many of you have Instant Pots and aren’t taking advantage of them?  I have had mine for about 6 years and I just didn’t use it as...

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