Cathedral Windows Candy

Cathedral Windows Candy

Cathedral windows candy remind me of when we use to make candy with my mother-in-law. They are a pretty candy and kids of all ages love them. Also they look so pretty on a plate; they are almost too pretty to eat!      What Ingredients Do I Need For...
Whipped Topping Candy

Whipped Topping Candy

Whipped topping candy is light and delicious; my daughter told me that it is better than fudge. I love making easy candy or whipped topping candy. You can call it whatever you want, I enjoy calling it better than fudge.  You will want to make these yummy little...
Moist Apple Banana Bread

Moist Apple Banana Bread

Moist Apple Banana Bread is moist and packed with flavor. It makes a perfect afternoon snack, or it is a great way to start the day.  Apple banana bread isn’t too crumbly and it stays so nice and moist. Do you remember the song “Apples and...
Fantastic Banana Bread

Fantastic Banana Bread

This truly is fantastic banana bread. The other day, I made pumpkin bread, poppy seed bread and this fantastic banana bread and this one disappeared first. I will have to get you the other recipes later!  I was so surprised when I looked and I didn’t have...
Best Fudge

Best Fudge

Best fudge is a wonderful recipe that I got from my cute little neighbor. I remember the day that she was teaching me how to make best fudge. I was new to the neighborhood and she was one of the sweetest neighbors. It was around Valentine’s Day and she...

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