Apple Streusel Muffins

Apple Streusel Muffins

Apple streusel muffins are the perfect way to start out your day. These muffins are loaded with flavor. I love the small apple chunks, and how moist these delicious apple streusel muffins are. My favorite part is the streusel on the top of the muffins. I really love...
Maple Syrup

Maple Syrup

Maple syrup reminds me of my years growing up! We always made our syrup and to tell you the truth, I never even knew that you could buy syrup until I went to girls camp. I wasn’t very fond of the store bought maple syrup that we had at girls camp because I was...
Easy French Toast

Easy French Toast

Easy french toast is a great way to start your day. So much goodness in one single slice. It is funny how we think that we need to do all this fancy stuff when it comes to cooking. However the other day my daughter was quizzing me about my easy french toast recipe and...
Cinnamon Muffins

Cinnamon Muffins

Cinnamon Muffins will get your kids out of bed in the mornings!  They are so buttery, soft and chewy, with sugar and cinnamon; and they smell amazing. They say good morning like nothing else. I remember when I was young and the wonderful memories that came with...
Banana Blueberry Muffins

Banana Blueberry Muffins

Banana Blueberry Muffins are loaded with bananas and blueberries and a zip of lemon. We really enjoy these muffins, and I am sure that you will too. Hello friends! So sorry that we have been away for a few days. I spent last Wednesday through Saturday at the...
Zucchini Waffles

Zucchini Waffles

Zucchini waffles are a perfect way to start your day. You can feel good about giving your kids these zucchini waffles before they go to school in the morning. The zucchini and cinnamon together make a very nice blend. You will also love how nice and moist they are....

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