Easy Taco Salad

Easy Taco Salad

Easy taco salad is perfect for those hot summer days. It is loaded with wonderful vegetables and it is something that your family and friends will truly enjoy. My sister said “why don’t we have this easy taco salad for our family reunion”? I think...
Chicken Avocado Tortilla Soup

Chicken Avocado Tortilla Soup

Warm chicken avocado tortilla soup is wonderful on a cold winter day. There is something about warm soup on a cold day that just makes you feel better. I know that it seems to warm me up inside, and I just feel happier. The thing that is so fun about this chicken...
Baked Spaghetti

Baked Spaghetti

Baked Spaghetti is packed with olives, tomatoes, and mushrooms; so many wonderful ingredients.  When these ingredients are combined, they make a very tasty meal. This dish is one of my go to meals. This dish isn’t the most beautiful dish, but as we all...
Tamale Pie

Tamale Pie

Tamale Pie is is a great one dish meal.  It is packed with so many delicious ingredients that combine to make a filling dish. You won’t need to add anything else to this meal. Tamale Pie is such a fun dish. It has the taste of chili topped with cornbread...

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