Melt in Your Mouth Sugar Cookies

Melt in Your Mouth Sugar Cookies

Melt in Your Mouth Sugar cookies are one of my very most favorite cookies. I love to make these Melt in your mouth sugar cookies because they are a little crunchy around the edges and soft and chewy in the middle, making them the best of both worlds. You can roll them...
Chocolate Rolo Cookies

Chocolate Rolo Cookies

Chocolate Rolo cookies are a delicious crisp cookie with yummy chocolate and caramel in the middle. Aren’t you so excited to make these delicious cookies for the holidays? Chocolate Rolo cookies are a favorite with most, and they don’t even know that they...
Cranberry White Chip Cookies

Cranberry White Chip Cookies

Cranberry white chip cookies are so soft, chewy and delicious. My family has been asking me to make these cranberry white chip cookies for a couple of weeks now. So when we had cranberry orange bread a couple of days ago, I decided to break down and make these. I knew...
French Silk Pie

French Silk Pie

French silk pie is to die for! This pie is so much better than the pies that you get at the store. You are going to love it!! It is a little work, but worth every calorie. The creamy chocolate is mmm, so good, rich and silky, in the decadent chocolate crust, and...

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